What’s the fastest and most healthy way to lose body fat?

Fastest and most healthy way to lose weight depends upon your metabolism, hormones, age, activity level and diet. Weight lose process is vary to everyone. Here I tells you best trick to lose weight which may lead to achieve your goal:

Cuts sugar foods and drinks to minimum or none.

Cut fried and oily foods to minimum or none.

Cut dairy products to minimum or none.

No alcohol.

Eats Lean meat, Fresh fish, Potatoes, peanuts, beans, legumes, seeds, etc. Also, don’t forget to eat lots of green leafy vegetables. And some fruit.

Do Strength training or Fast cycling and swimming. Rope skipping. Home HIIT workout routine. Cardio is a low to moderate intensity workout and is not effective in burning fat… Besides, our body adapts to cardio quickly.

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