Is it safe to lose around 20 kg in 6 months?

Losing 20 kgs in 6 months is a challenging goal and requires a lot of dedication and effort. It’s important to approach weight loss in a safe and healthy manner, so here are some tips which can lead to help to achieve your goal 👇

  1. Drinks 3ltrs of water daily.
  2. Have a citrus fruits during snacks.
  3. Avoids packaged foods, frozen food, fast food, bevarages.
  4. Evening walking: walk as much u can. (10k steps)
  5. 7–8hrs peaceful sleep.
  6. Chews food long time. Avoid watching video on mobiles or watching Tv during meals.
  7. 30mins before meal have water. N avoid water during meal.
  8. Eats large amount of salad in lunch time and dinner.
  9. Avoids more salty foods.
  10. Avoids sugar or sugar contain food.
  11. Drinks green tea before bedtime.
  12. Avoids smoking and alcohol drinks. Drinks the water mo and low calorie milk.

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