How can I lose 7kg in a week at home?

Losing 7 kilograms (approximately 15.4 pounds) in a week is neither safe nor realistic.

Healthy and sustainable weight loss typically occurs at a rate of 0.5 to 1 kilogram (1 to 2 pounds) per week.

Here I tells you best ways to lose weight which may help to achieve your goal!

Stop eating foods with added sugar, especially refined sugar. No soda and no sweets.

Avoid as best possible anything that has ”Concentrated Glucose-Fructose”. This is the worst possible glucose you can eat.

Drinks a lot of water. 1/2 your body-weight in ounces of fresh cold water for best results.

Eats more vegetables. Such as greens, carrots, tomatoes, all sorts of vegetables.

Eats high protein meals right after a workout. (within 1 hour).

Avoids ating too much meat (except for lean healthy meat such as chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, grass fed beef). Ensure that you eat beans, lentils, chick peas, quinoa or egg whites. Optionally (and what is highly recommend), you can take protein supplements such as Whey Protein Shakes right after a workout.

Try to eat at least 60 grams of proteins a day with as least fat as possible.

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